Overview of Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE)

Prostate artery embolization is a minimally invasive treatment for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH). About 25% of men have symptoms of BPH by the age of 55, and 50% of men do by age 75. BPH is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, and it is the most common benign tumor found in men. When the prostate is enlarged, some patients experience lower urinary tract symptoms such as increased urinary frequency, pain upon urination, and loss of bladder control. BPH helps improve these urinary tract symptoms.

Is PAE right for me?

PAE is for patients who do not qualify for or who are uninterested in traditional surgery. At Memphis Vascular Center, you will meet with an interventional radiologist who will determine if you are a good candidate for PAE. There will be a pre-procedure workup possibly including the following: a urine test, a digital rectal exam, MRI of the prostate, and a prostate-antigen test.

What happens during PAE?

PAE is performed by an interventional radiologist. Interventional radiologists are doctors who use X-rays and other techniques to look inside the body and treat patients without surgery. A special catheter might be inserted into your urethra and placed in your bladder. This provides a reference point for internal anatomy. Your radiologist will insert a small catheter into the artery in your wrist or groin. Then, they will position the catheter into the vessels that lead to your prostate. An X-ray involving a contrast dye will be completed to map your blood vessels. The doctor will inject tiny particles through the catheter into your prostate, reducing blood flow. These steps are repeated for the other side of the prostate. After the procedure is finished, your prostate will start to shrink, and you should notice an improvement in symptoms within days.

Are there any risks associated with PAE?

The side effects of PAE are typically minimal. Patients might experience temporary effects such as pelvic pain or frequent urination. There is a slight risk of injury to the bladder or other pelvic organs, but this is uncommon. If you have any concerns regarding the risk of PAE, please talk to your provider.

Prostate Artery Embolization at Memphis Vascular Center

Memphis Vascular Center offers PAE at our center located in Germantown. If you are interested in learning more about PAE, please visit our services page or contact Memphis Vascular Center at 901-683-1890.

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