VenaSeal Overview

The VenaSeal procedure is a minimally invasive, outpatient treatment for varicose veins. Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins most commonly appearing in the legs. VenaSeal treatment involves a small amount of medical adhesive delivered into the varicose vein. This seals the vein and reroutes blood to other veins.

How VenaSeal is Performed

You will lie on a table, and the doctor will administer an anesthetic through a tiny needle. You might feel a slight burn until the area becomes numb. Then, the doctor will use an ultrasound to position a catheter into the varicose vein. It takes a small incision to insert the catheter, and the catheter involved in VenaSeal is a long, thin plastic tube. After inserting the catheter, your doctor will inject a special adhesive inside the vein. They will apply light external pressure along the vein so that the walls seal together. 

The catheter is removed when the varicose vein is completely sealed, and the doctor will apply a bandage to the incision site. The entire procedure is relatively painless. You might feel some pressure from the catheter placement, but the area will be numb.

Typically this procedure lasts about 30 minutes and there is no recovery time. We require all patients to have a driver post procedure. Over time, your body will create scar tissue around the adhesive, and this will keep the vein sealed permanently. 

Benefits and Risks of VenaSeal

The five-year closure rate of VenaSeal is around 95%. The recovery time is much faster than thermal ablation, and you will likely be able to return to normal activity right after the procedure. If needed, both legs can be treated in the same appointment. Compression stockings are not required but might be recommended. With VenaSeal, there is only one needle stick, whereas other procedures require multiple needle sticks.

Mild bruising is common after the VenaSeal procedure. There is a small risk of an allergic reaction, bleeding, or infection. Overall, VenaSeal is a highly effective and safe treatment for varicose veins.

VenaSeal Varicose Vein Treatment at Memphis Vascular Center

Memphis Vascular Center offers VenaSeal for varicose veins at our center in Germantown. For more information about VenaSeal, please call Memphis Vascular Center at 901-683-1890.

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